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Create Space


To add a space to your venue, you should first create your venue on Jamatu. In order for your location to be rented by customers, a payment method and tax rate should be recorded. If you have not already done so, you can do so under create venue, set up payment method and set up tax rate.


In the next few steps we will show you how easily you can add a space to your venue. In order to execute these steps, you have to sign into Jamatu.

Jamatu Dashboard

After you have logged into Jamatu, you will find yourself on the dashboard. Here you will find several functions that are available to you with Jamatu.
Click on "Go to Organizations"

Select organization

Choose your organization

Overview of created venues

Under the menu "Venues" you can see your created venue. You can click on the "next" button. 

Create space

You are now on the detailed overview of your venue
Click on "Add space" in order to create your space. 

Congratulations! If you have set up a payment method and tax rate, you can start today with renting out your venue. 

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